About me….

Just a little bit about me.

I’m a mum of 3. Two stroppy teenagers and a stroppy 8 year old. Oh, and a dog.

I’m disabled so I’m at home quite a lot with mainly the dog to keep me company. I use my slow cooker LOADS and genuinely think it’s the best invention EVER. Is that sad? (Don’t worry, I know the answer…)

I enjoy shopping, holidays, reading, lunch with friends. Did I say shopping?

I drink copious amounts of coffee and cannot resist the smell of M&S white chocolate cookies….

I’ve decided to start blogging as I had lots of thoughts running round in my head, so thought it might be good to write them down. There will be a lot about the kids. Mainly because the older two are teenagers and that in itself brings it’s own problems. I really thought they were hard work as toddlers. Then they grew up..

Anyway, I’m sure you’ll find out more as the blog evolves so have a read and let me know what you think. No expletives please. 😉

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